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Defender Campers

Who's Sitting around the Campfire?

Updated: 1 day ago

Winter warming
Who are you around the campfire?

As winter draws nearer we all love to sit and chat around the Campfire with a warm brew and have a chat. Recently, I found myself in a contemplative mood, thinking about the people sat around me and watching their personalities when fire is introduced into the mix. I started thinking about the characters that came through and wrote the following guide to those you meet around the campfire. Which are you?

The smoke charmer - They don't follow the smoke, the smoke follows them. They sit up wind, the wind changes. They're then downwind... it follows. Now they're convinced they're being followed. They end up rocking in their seat covering 2 sides of the fire and getting to the stage they know their destiny is to be the foil the fire demons are looking for.

The poker - They poke, they prod, Any stick they find goes in, pinecones, cardboard, grass, nothing is safe. If the coals are hot, they get poked. If the ash is warm, it's poked. Always an iron in the fire ensures their pyro hyperactivity is kept at bay. Note - Once a fire poker, always a fire poker.


The safety officer - All sit back. No one is safe unless it's assessed first. They may be missing their physical clip board, but trust me, it's all being constantly risk assessed. Tall grass is safe, fires are extinguished with care, concrete platforms are built. E v e r y o n e is safe...

Tip - just don't let them see how many Ciders/Proseccos/Rum Coffees you've had. They don't like alcohol and fire mixing and they'll be the first to tell you.


The pyro - Burn it, burn it all! There's nothing more to say about the pyro. 50% off us start at this point, but maturity takes hold and denial sets in. ALL 13 year old boys are certainly at this stage, but it never really leaves you and soon enough, with enough bravado, when his wife has headed for an early night, Bill is 'accidentally' dropping a box of matches into the fire for an 'experiment'.

Mr experienced - the fire knowitall (rarely Mrs) They went on cub camp and was a signed up member of the Scouts (for 6 months) but they'll sit back, not get involved, and tell you exactly what needs to be done. During their gap year in Tanzania, they'll inform you of how it was the fire they built that kept the lions at bay from their whole group, but we all know the safari guides had to endure the same know it all lectures about fire building you're having to experience while you try to enjoy the glow.

The nervous one - It's too big! What about that overhanging branch? In contrast to the Pyro, the nervous one is convinced the grass will light ablaze, like the Australian outback in a record summer. The scaredy cat, convinced their feet will burn.

The chef - have fire, must cook! Marshmallows, cucumber, anything!

The mesmerised one - The one that goes quiet. Staring, convinced secretly the fire is alive, dancing, breathing, consuming. Their listening, smiling, maybe maniacally and just happy to stare. Often the one at their first campfire, inexperienced in seeing how mesmerising flames can be to a tired eye. Mix this with the smoke charmer and you have a recipe for sore eyes.

Please do contact us to add any you know of, or indeed can identify with yourself. We'd love to hear from you.

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